About our company

" We are experts in Dairy, Brewery, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Non-Dairy fat products, Food & Beverages and Specialized Railway Equipment manufacturing, consulting services and solutions"
A truly fascinating journey and each milestone achieved till now, is a learning process for us.
An eternal journey which started in 1969 as a small ancillary unit supplying valves and fittings for then APV India in Kolkata, West Bengal, India, Jaya Industries have treaded a long way covering mile stones in presently one of the largest Dairy & Food engineering company based in the eastern part of India.
An ISO certified, DNB rated and MSME company, we are engaged in serving various sectors of Dairy, Food, Beverages, Breweries, Chemical, Pharmaceutical and one of the important suppliers for the India Railways.
Work Shed Area – Around 100,000sq ft floor area comprising 4 working sheds and 2 machine shops. Located in the heart of Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal and the financial capital of the eastern part of India.
We are embraced with International Airport, Seaport and extensive Roadway, we are an important destination to the South East Asian nations.
Our Strategy of Work
Jaya Industries is continuing to grow and we’re committed to developing our service offering to meet even more of our
Client business needs.

Planning & Designing
As soon as any job is received, detail planning constitutes established and new procedures within the accepted framework. Designing by our experienced team involves specific reassignment and help the manufacturing process to make equipment / process confirming the functionality and quality specification at the least possible cost.

Implementation & Manufacturing
As soon as the approved design is made, the jobs are loaded to the workshop for efficient and timely manufacturing involving latest engineering practices and machines resulting in minimal wastage and shortest manufacturing time, delivering more value to the customer.

Quality Control & After Sales Support
Jaya Industries imbibes strict quality control involving latest QAP which delivers defective free products and ensures product conformity to the desired specification for the customer. We also strive for life long after sales support to the maximum extent possible with a dedicated work force.
Our Vision
What we're working for
To strive harder and become one of the best and most valuable engineering concern with a swarm of satisfied customers worldwide.
To adept latest technological know-how involving Tie-ups and collaboration and augmenting internal R&D.
Our Mission.
Our future strategy
Our mission is to deliver best innovative product/machineries involving cutting edge technologies and best manufacturing practices presenting optimum valued product to our customers with an affordable price.
Testimonials our clients
Our Partners
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